Corona del Mar High School
Class of 1970
In Memory and Not Forgotten

The information on this page has been provided by other Classmates to honor those friends who have passed since graduation in 1970.  If you know of anyone who is no longer with us, please let us know.  The photos have been placed in no particular order, and if there are any errors or omissions, they are unintentional.  The Reunion Planning Committee asks you to send us a message using the "Contact Us" link to update any information as soon as possible.  Thank you!

Rick Petros
Laura Godshall
Chick Iverson
Bill Porcella
Doug Orr
Jim Hines
John Haramia
John Skall
Laurie Severson
Stephen Morris
Bill Mayer
Scott Newcomb
Bob Murvin
Tom Holleman
Jim Maloney
Rick Neff
Brad Kluewer
Debbie Wilson
Glenn Miller
Burton Ray
David Porter
Wayne Brown
Jan Stallman
Doyen Klein
Richard Marriott
Darcy Parriott
Sarah Van Uden (Siracusa)
Colleen Bannigan
Kathy Mahoney
Karen Roman
Jim Rudolph
Tom Vanderpool
Greg Orsat
Bruce Anderson
Donald Lutz
Peter Sansone
Rick Popovits
John Tomkinson
Theresa Marie Keller
Linda Moore
Robin Swedlow (Not Pictured)
Shelley Carr (Grover Searle)
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